GDPR Training
All staff should have some form of GDPR training (GDPR Staff Awareness Training), ideally when an employee is first hired and refreshed regularly thereafter. Our on-line training platform offer multiple levels of GDPR Training to suit different types of staff in your organisation and courses care available in multiple languages.

How much it cost per user?
GDPR Basic – £5 to £8
GDPR intermediate – £9 to £12
The more users you have the cheaper it is per user.

Is our GDPR Training any good?
Our online training is written by one of our senior GDPR consultants, with 25 years in IT, 15 in IT Security and the last 3 years predominantly doing GDPR.
Our courses don’t have accreditations or certifications for GDPR, there are none. Trust our experience from over 100 GDPR Client Engagements.

How long does our GDPR Training take?
GDPR Basic around 20 minutes plus the assessment
GDPR Intermediate around 45 minutes plus the assessment
Our courses are delivered on our on-line training platform, other courses are available too and we can tailor existing courses or add new courses specific to your organisation.
Other courses include:
- Home working – Providing advice and guidance for staff working from home
- Anti Bribery and corruption – Designed to give your staff a basic understanding of this important subject
- Fire Safety at Work – Design for all staff working in an employe’s premises
If you have a large number of staff, we offer enterprise licensing options and we can assist staff on-boarding or even manage the whole training cycle for you, contact us for more details.
Get more information or sign up here:
GDPR Awareness Basic Course Information
GDPR Awareness Intermediate Course
If you would like to know more about our eLearning platform click here